Parish Life
You’re invited to share with us in celebrations & remembrances – worship, spiritual growth, small groups and big community events, in music and the arts, in outreach and service.
ALL PARISH OPEN HOUSE - All Parish Open Houses at the rectory or a parishioner's home are held several times throughout the year. The last one was on Wednesday, January, 12 noon - 3 pm - at the Rectory - for Holy Name/New Year's Day (with a brief service of Eucharist in the living room). All welcome at our next Open House.
OUTREACH: On Saturday, January 18, Atonement again partnered with other churches in Tenafly to provide dinner for 200 people for Family Promise. This is something we do several times a year, so get ready to cook chili and make salad! Later in the spring, we'll host another "Snack-Pak" event for Center for Food Action (CFA). From Mother's Day to Father's Day, bring in diapers (esp. sizes 5 & 6), baby wipes, baby food, and cereal for our annual NORTH PORCH Drive for infants in need. Donation box in the Reception Room. And as always, shelf-stable food donations may be dropped off 24/7 in the Chapel. These go to feed our hungry neighbors through CFA. Other opportunities include a summer backpack collection and Advent gift collection for children of incarcereted or recently released persons.
LABYRINTH - The Labyrinth located on the front lawn (with patio and bench) is OPEN weather permitting, all year round. Walk the labyrinth at any time. Brochures have also been prepared with information and suggested meditations, and are available inside (and occasionally on the bench outside.)
REFRESHMENTS: Every Sunday church members volunteer to offer refreshments after the 9:55 am service. It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with those we know.
SMALL GROUPS for spiritual growth and fellowship are detailed on our Adult Ministries page. Join us for Discovery Nights (next: February 23), Bible Study (selected Thursday evenings; next: February 20 and March 20 - book of First Peter), Book Group (Friday mornings), Quiet Days/Mini Retreats (a few Saturdays each year), and the annual fall Adult Education Retreat at Holy Cross Monastery - Episcopal in West Park, NY (September 27-29). See the adult formation page for more details including times and topics.
DURING THE CHURCH YEAR, Atonement holds a number of opportunities to gather and get to know each other better, such as: The Country Fair in the fall, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in the winter (Feb. 13, 2024), the Parish Soup Supper during Lent, the Newcomers’ Brunch, and Outreach activities such as "Snack Packs" for hungry kids.
“Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread
and in the prayers?” “I will with God’s help.”
- The Baptismal Covenant, The Book of Common Prayer, p. 304