Church School
Atonement’s Church School is a dynamic Christian formation program which includes learning, worship and music, and service to others. This year we return to the excellent curriculum, "Weaving God's Promises," which begins with stories from the Hebrew Scriptures, aided by crafts, games, and music. We seek to help our children develop a relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer and sacraments, foster their sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and become active members of the faith community.
Each Sunday morning children begin worship with their parents in the Church. After the Collect, they are dismissed to attend Church School (around 10:05 am). The Church School is for children in grades K-5, led by our Christian Education Director, Ms. Mikayla Kosstyn. Confirmation class for grades 6-8 meets separately at the same time, and are taught by clergy and church members.
Once a month we hold a "family service" when young people stay in church to help lead worship, offering their gifts and engaging the congregation in an interactive program/sermon. Coming up: October 1 (Blessing of the Animals), October 29 (All Saints - All Souls), November 5 (Giving Breakfast), December 10 (Baptism, St. Nicholas).
Young people are confirmed by Bishop Hughes, normally in the 8th grade. They join adults who are being confirmed or received into The Episcopal Church in one service in the spring.